The 2024/25 Club Championships will be held in March 2025 between ZRL Round 3 and the Finals. This year we’ll be including a longer Road Race to wrap up the five race championship.

Tuesday, 25 February
iTT: Going Coastal, Watopia

Tuesday, 4 March
GRVL: Handful of Gravel, Watopia

Tuesday, 11 March
CLIMB: Radio Rendezvous, Watopia

Tuesday, 8 April
CRIT: Castle Crit, Makuri Islands

Weekend, 19-20 April
ROAD RACE - Zwift Games 2024 Epic

IT’s TIME TO crown club champions for 2023/24!

Join the SISU Racing Club in the Companion App for easy sign-on

Formed in August 2021, SISU Racing has rapidly become one of the most prominent and innovative community-led teams racing on Zwift. We're excited to launch our inaugural SISU Racing Club Championships, and all Zwifters from all clubs are welcome to race!

In the 2023/24 ZRL Season breaks, we'll race and crown a Club Champion in four racing disciplines (iTT, GRVL, CLIMB and CRIT) by grade and gender. We'll also have a GC for riders who race in all four disciplines, with the opportunity to be crowned Club Champion by grade (A+, A, B, C and D) and gender.

The Club Championship will be awarded to the leading SISU Racing Member (a rider who has listed SISU Racing as their team on Zwiftpower and is an active member of the Team Discord).

Race in your favourite discipline, a few or all! Every discipline you ride will provide one entry into the prize draw. After the Championships, all entries will be entered into a draw, and the winners (in order of being drawn) can select from the prizes generously provided by team supporters.

The prize draw is for SISU Racing members only.

Tuesday, 24 October 2023 & Tuesday 31 October 2023
Innsbruck Continentals Hill Climb x 1 lap

Tuesday, 7 November 2023
Jungle Circuit, Watopia x 3 laps

Tuesday, 5 March 2024
Road to Sky, Watopia x 1 lap

Tuesday, 30 April 2024
Glasgow Crit Circuit, Scotland x 8 laps

The CRIT Championship will be a points race.  Points in each grade will be awarded as follows;

FAL (first across the line) at the end of laps 2, 4 and 6 to the first 20 riders
40, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.

The first 20 riders in each grade across the line at the end of the race will be awarded
250, 240, 230, 220, 200, 180, 160, 140, 130, 110, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.

Events will be held in multiple time zones with the total points determining the Club Championships (should there be a tie on points, the  fastest time will determine the winner).

Here's how it works;

  • All Zwifters are welcome to race. The Club Championship will be awarded to the leading SISU Racing Member (a rider who has listed SISU Racing as their team on Zwiftpower and is an active member of the Team Discord).

  • Events will be held in multiple time zones, with an overall GC (fastest time) determining each Championship.

  • Open events with separate results for Men and Women.

  • Riders enter according to Zwift's Category Enforcement.

  • All riders will be visible on the course.

  • PowerUps are disabled in all disciplines.

  • TT bike is mandatory for the iTT.

  • Z Power and riders without heart rate data will be excluded from the results.

  • A rider's best time will count if they race the same discipline in multiple zones.

Riders Who Upgrade

  • Riders who upgrade during a race will remain eligible to be crowned Club Champion in the grade they entered for that race discipline (so go all out).  

  • Riders who race in all four disciplines and upgrade will be classified in the highest grade they achieve for the overall Club Championship GC.


Babici - AUD $200 Voucher (SISU Racing apparel partner).
Pure Sports Nutrition - AUD $200 Voucher
Tons (Sports gear without the sport gear look) - AUD $200 Voucher
Walter Bat Company (Wooden baseball bats hand crafted in Nashua New Hampshire) - USD $150 voucher.
One free entry to FNLD GRVL in 2024.
One guaranteed entry to SBT GRVL in 2024 (gold as it bypasses the lottery system).
30% Muc-Off Discount Code.

Let’s go racing!